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  • weekly.tf - Issue #105 - Pains in Terraform collaboration, Semgrep, FluxCD, GitOps, IaC tools for Azure

weekly.tf - Issue #105 - Pains in Terraform collaboration, Semgrep, FluxCD, GitOps, IaC tools for Azure

The pains in Terraform collaboration

AB: Yi Lu articulates some pain points during collaboration in Terraform and highlights the importance of planning your workflow tooling upfront.

🙌 Sponsor - env0 🙌

Scanning Terraform using Semgrep

AB: A post by Tser Ying Siew explains how Semgrep can help check Terraform configs for compliance.

FluxCD, GitOps, Terraform

IaC tools comparison (for Azure users)

Open-source projects

AB: A terraform provider to send physical mail. Don't ask why? :)

Feedback ❤️

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Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦