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  • weekly.tf - Issue #65 - Use Terraform in CI/CD, Use AWS CloudFormation, Setup Azure DevOps

weekly.tf - Issue #65 - Use Terraform in CI/CD, Use AWS CloudFormation, Setup Azure DevOps

For me, it is interesting to read other people's opinions on the article "Do not use AWS CloudFormation" that I shared in issue #56. This response has been written by Ben Bridts (AWS Hero and CloudFormation expert).

Serhii Vasylenko writes a lot of good content! This time he describes how to configure, how to run, and what to mind for when using Terraform in CI/CD. Follow @vasylenko on Twitter, like I just did :)

Kanishk Agrawal describes the deployment of Atlantis and Infracost with Azure DevOps. If Atlantis sounds interesting to you, see issue #54 for more.

Complete Terraform Template for provisioning infrastructure for hosting your WordPress webpage using AWS Free Tier. Check out more blog posts by Klaus Dobbler.

Open-source projects

Guard offers a policy-as-code domain-specific language (DSL) to write rules and validate JSON- and YAML-formatted data such as CloudFormation Templates, K8s configurations, and Terraform JSON plans/configurations against those rules.

Terraform Live Coding - 17th of December

PS: Thank you all 4.02K subscribers of Your Weekly Dose of Terraform! :)

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