• Terraform Weekly
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  • weekly.tf - Issue #66 - Terraform Best Practices (ahora en español), Terraform with Serverless Framework, Terraform+Pulumi

weekly.tf - Issue #66 - Terraform Best Practices (ahora en español), Terraform with Serverless Framework, Terraform+Pulumi

"It takes a village to raise a child" but it takes one DevOps Engineer from Chihuahua (Mexico) to translate Terraform Best Practice book from English into Spanish! The book has been also updated with the content from the brainstorming video that I've recorded live a few months ago.

Thank you, Abel López for your efforts, and cluster.dev for supporting me!

Let me know if you want to translate the book into other languages!

El presente libro es un intento por describir sistemáticamente las mejores prácticas para el uso de Terraform y proveer de recomendaciones a los problemas más comunes que experimentan sus usuarios.

AB: When people don't use approaches described on serverless.tf, they need to figure out how to pass attributes between tools. Sounds familiar? Then this article is for you.

Migrating infrastructure as code platforms is a large undertaking. This blog shows how to start a migration incrementally, or how to use both tools together. AB: Short answer: use Pulumi provider for Terraform.

Zhimin Wen describes one of the common patterns of delivering the management events from CloudTrail via CloudWatch and SNS to email.

Open-source projects

A utility for configuring Terraform provider environment variables from HashiCorp Vault secrets.

Upcoming events

A 24-hour knowledge-sharing event. Join me as an attendee, or submit to the Call for Proposals before the 16th of January!

See you in 2022!

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! 🎅⛄️