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  • weekly.tf - Issue #68 - SOPS, sort(), debugging, and Terraform ebook in Indonesian

weekly.tf - Issue #68 - SOPS, sort(), debugging, and Terraform ebook in Indonesian

Hi! It is amazing to receive feedback from the readers and know that people want to translate Terraform Best Practices ebook into their languages! Thank you, Roy Inganta Ginting (SRE at Xendit) for your work on the Indonesian translation of the book!

The proposal is still open for everyone, please let me know if you want to help with the translations or proofreadings. More translations are in progress!

Dokumen ini adalah upaya untuk menggambarkan secara sistematis praktik terbaik penggunaan Terraform dan menyediakan rekomendasi atas permasalahan yang sering kali dialami oleh pengguna Terraform.

sort() function does not sort numerically, so Jonathan Share (HashiCorp Ambassador) explains a neat solution to this task.

Pascal Zwikirsch shows the steps for setting up your Cloud KMS via the Google Cloud SDK and Terraform. Source repo. AB: Mozilla SOPS is still looking for new maintainers a proper way to get some attention from the current maintainers.

Drew Mullen (Solution Architect at AWS) described how to setup debugging in VSCode when developing the AWS Terraform Provider. AB: Using JetBrains products? Read this article that was mentioned in the previous newsletter.

Guillermo Musumeci (HashiCorp Ambassador) blogs on medium (unfortunately for many). He wrote a detailed guide about deploying Amazon WorkSpaces using Terraform.

Open-source projects

Syntax-based grep for HCL(v2).

Feedback ❤️

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