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  • weekly.tf - Issue #70 - Monorepos, Platform Infra Team, Terraform @ Scale, Environment as Code

weekly.tf - Issue #70 - Monorepos, Platform Infra Team, Terraform @ Scale, Environment as Code

Daisuke Fujita (also known as the creator of terraforming) describes the structure of Mercari's approach for Terraform code monorepo, problems associated with it, and solutions. AB: Highly recommend reading this if you are still debating whether you should do a monorepo or not. I prefer, monorepos for 99% of cases myself.

Detailed overview of Platform Infra Team structure and responsibilities at Mercari. AB: I am pretty sure, it will be helpful if you are building a similar team at your company. Also, make sure to check other articles under Developer Productivity Engineering Camp (use Google Translate to translate from Japanese, for e.g. "Automation of Terraform for AWS").

Scaling Security, Operations, and the Cloud with Terraform. AB: Another piece of very well structured content covering "What" and "How"!

Razieh Akbari explains the way to set up GCP Cloud Build with Terraform. The source repository is here.

Ce document a pour but de décrire systématiquement les bonnes pratiques dans l’utilisation de Terraform et de fournir des recommandations par rapport aux problèmatiques fréquemment rencontrées. AB: Kudos to Nicanor Foping for translating it in French. This ebook is already available in Spanish, Indonesian, English. Want to bring more translations? Contact me.

Open-source projects

GitHub Actions collection for Opinionated Terraform Workflow. AB: Highly recommend if you are using GH Actions!

Cheap Wireguard VPN server with AWS Spot Instances. Featuring Packer and Terraform.

🔴 Jan 28, 2022 - Your Weekly Dose of Terraform

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has made managing infrastructure easier in a lot of ways, but there are many challenges that companies accept as the cost of adopting IaC, especially when scaling.

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